Patrick de Kok enjoys rowing, knows some geometric algebra, and tinkers with robots. On top of that, he is currently busy with his thesis for the Master of Artificial Intelligence at the Universiteit van Amsterdam.

I want to use the SyncIn and SyncOut connectors of the MTi-G-700 and Prosilica GE680C. To do so, I probably need a CA-MP-MTi cable. This post contains a connector schema for the connector head.

The polling on the Prosilica does not work yet. Images of irregular data size are sent, even in „regular”/streaming mode.

Why ROS's timestamps are not enough

The timestamps of observations are important for sensor fusion. Sensor fusion finds a relation between observations of multiple sensors with respect to the time of observation. The necessary precision of these timestamps is related to the highest update frequency. When timestamps are made on a non-dedicated unit, timestamps have a variable offset from the time of observation. An experimental analysis is given and possible approaches for solving this problem are presented.

Big differences in Kalibr calibration output after running on different (but similar) datasets.

Delft’s Xsens is giving some errors, while UvA’s is working fine, after configuring. I started expecting the error when comparing both orientation filters.

New mission: replace the camera’s orientation with information of the IMU. More detailed problem description:

I’ve tried working with ArUco in ROS, but for some reason I don’t get a correct position back. Good thing is, I found Sahloul’s ar_sys!


Please don’t remove the markers in the lab

ROS Pololu driver

I will write a ROS wrapper for the Pololu MinIMU-9 v2 (L3GD20 and LSM303DLHC Carrier). More info inside.

Recalibrated camera to be sure everything is alright. Made a new dataset, with which Kalibr can calibrate!

Running yet another dataset, after trying to set the camera’s focus (was not stabilized) and doing some configuration of the IMU.

Converting the images only to grayscale did not do the trick. The Numpy array had shape (n, m, 1), so it was a 3D array. Reshaping the array to (n, m) resolved the problem.

The module errors of Kalibr are gone, but Kalibr can’t recognize the chessboard on RGB video. Maybe images should be grayscale?

I can work around the issues that kalibr_calibrate_cameras raise. Also, I should learn more about ROS.

I’ve tried to fix the previous problem (not fixed), but I don’t understand what is going wrong.

Xsens replied; I probably did use the right values. They also added that for these purposes, MTi sensors are more frequently used.