Setting up Wind River Linux for UDOO x86 Advanced Plus

I have downloaded Wind River Linux 10.19.BASE, and generated an image for the UDOO. Results are recorded in pkok/udoo-wrlinux

I ran the following script:

mkdir udoo-os
cd udoo-os
git clone
./wrlinux-x/ --machines intel-x86-64 --recipes openssh cmake make libgcc gcc glibc boost mesa mesa-gl libusb1 libxcursor libxi libxinerama libxrandr
. ./environment-setup-x86_64-wrlinuxsdk-linux 
. ./oe-init-build-env

I edited the udoo-os/build/config/local.conf file. These variables’ values are changed:

I then followed the directions in udoo-os/README

bitbake wrlinux-image-std

The process took 6h40m, so uuuh yeah, do something else in the meantime.

The process crashes with some Python related errors, passing too many arguments to some process (forgot to log it properly). I tried to deactivated pyenv (through removing it from ~/.bashrc for the whole bitbake process, maybe it starts new bash sessions), but did not work.

Retrying the same process with adding the --dl-layers to ./winlinux-x/ tomorrow.