Understanding of ROS has increased! Some ROS tools I learnt to use, and notes on them.
I moved my files around. Everything ROS-related is located in ~/ros/
, with a bash function ros
to source the ROS shell scripts. I could not place Kalibr under ~/ros/src/
(catkin gave errors), so I put it in ~/ros/repos/
. However, due to hardcoded file names, I have to rebuild Kalibr (~3 hrs, I also got a Python ImportError
for module sm
Nice ROS tools to remember:
rosrun rqt_console rqt_console
for message viewing. You can also filter messages.rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui
for data visualization. If you want to visualize a topic that does not give „a green plus”, look for the sub-topic. For instance, Visualization/Plot does not allow you to add/imu/data
but you are allowed to add/imu/data/linear_acceleration
. Avoidrosrun image_view image_view
, as it is buggy; use RQT’s Image View.rostopic list
lists all topics (-v
gives you the message types), androstopic echo TOPICNAME
streams its contents to the terminal.rosnode cleanup
cleans up inactive nodes (or node handlers) and removes their topics.rosed PACKAGE FILENAME
lets you edit a file from a package, withoutcd
‚in to it.roslaunch personal_sandbox imu_and_cameras.launch
is my launch file to start publishing the data of the IMU (using a Xsens MTi withxsens_driver
), my laptop camera and an external Logitech C910 (both usinguvc_camera
I also tried to use RViz through rosrun rviz rviz
, but that gives an error:
$ rosrun rviz rviz
/opt/ros/indigo/lib/rviz/rviz: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_thread.so.1.53.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
After googling, I found out that this means that I should install libboost_thread
version 1.53, instead of 1.54… I’m happy enough with rqt_gui
While the ROS documentation states that camera_calibration should be started as rosrun camera_calibration cameracalibrator.py ARGUMENTS
, I could only start it as cameracalibrator.py ARGUMENTS
after sourcing ROS’s shell script. When calibrated, copy the output to ~/.ros/camera_config/CAMERA_NAME.ini
and convert it to YAML with rosrun camera_calibration_parsers convert CAMERA_NAME.ini CAMERA_NAME.yaml
I am not sure if I made the right camera settings file for Kalibr to calibrate the camera with the IMU. I have not set T_cam_imu
and timeshift_cam_imu
, as I want to discover these (whole point of calibration).
Command to execute next time (after Kalibr compilation):
rosrun kalibr kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --time-calibration --bag bags/2014-09-03_calibration_MTi_Logitech.bag --cam repos/kalibr/config/camera/logitech.yaml --imu repos/kalibr/config/imu/MTx.yaml --target repos/kalibr/config/calibration_target/checkerboard.yaml
Kalibr finished compiling. First two runs it failed at ~72%, third run (without any change) it worked. Maybe it has to do something with downloading suitesparse
? Anyway, issues encountered with this command:
- Python can’t find module
. Fixed by runningpython setup.py install
. - Python can’t find module
. Fixed by runningpython setup.py install
. - Python can’t find module
. This seems to be a structural issue. Needs a better approach of fixing.