Converting the images only to grayscale did not do the trick. The Numpy array had shape (n, m, 1), so it was a 3D array. Reshaping the array to (n, m) resolved the problem.

And a fourth pull request for Kalibr is created.

I still have not managed to calibrate the sensors:

rosrun kalibr kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --time-calibration --bag bags/2014-09-03_calibration_MTi_Logitech_short.bag --cam repos/kalibr/config/camera/logitech.yaml --imu repos/kalibr/config/imu/MTx.yaml --target repos/kalibr/config/calibration_target/checkerboard.yaml
importing libraries
Initializing IMUs:
  Update rate: 100
    Noise density: 0.004
    Noise density (discrete): 0.04
    Random walk: 0.02
    Noise density: 0.1
    Noise density (discrete): 1.0
    Random walk: 1.0
Initializing imu rosbag dataset reader:
        Dataset:          bags/2014-09-03_calibration_MTi_Logitech_short.bag
        Topic:            /MTi/imu/data
        Number of messages: 3706
Reading IMU data (/MTi/imu/data)
  Read 3706 imu readings over 37.0 seconds
Initializing calibration target:
  Type: checkerboard
    Count: 9
    Distance: 0.0255 [m]
    Count: 6
    Distance: 0.0255 [m]
Initializing camera chain:
Camera chain - cam0:
  Camera model: pinhole
  Focal length: [552.357544, 319.346027]
  Principal point: [553.012817, 242.821647]
  Distortion model: radtan
  Distortion coefficients: [-0.010014, -0.046626, 0.001439, -0.010307]
  baseline: no data available
Initializing camera rosbag dataset reader:
        Dataset:          bags/2014-09-03_calibration_MTi_Logitech_short.bag
        Topic:            /logitech_camera/image_mono
        Number of images: 362
Extracting calibration target corners
  Extracted corners for 332 images (of 362 images)

Building the problem
        Spline order: 6
        Pose knots per second: 70
        Do pose motion regularization: False
                xddot translation variance: 1000000.000000
                xddot rotation variance: 100000.000000
        Bias knots per second: 50
        Do bias motion regularization: True
        Blake-Zisserman on reprojection errors -1
        Acceleration Huber width (m/s^2): -1.000000
        Gyroscope Huber width (rad/s): -1.000000
        Do time calibration: True
        Max iterations: 30
        Time offset padding: 0.020000
Estimating time shift camera to imu:

Initializing a pose spline with 3628 knots (100.000000 knots per second over 36.279248 seconds)
  Time shift camera to imu (t_imu = t_cam + shift):

Estimating imu-camera rotation prior

Initializing a pose spline with 3628 knots (100.000000 knots per second over 36.279248 seconds)
  Orientation prior camera-imu found as: (T_i_c)
[[ 0.02033651 -0.95293512 -0.30249147]
 [ 0.08176357  0.30312578 -0.9494364 ]
 [ 0.99644425 -0.00542456  0.0840799 ]]
  Gyro bias prior found as: (b_gyro)
[ 0.00032935  0.01364942  0.00667651]

Initializing a pose spline with 3636 knots (100.000000 knots per second over 36.359248 seconds)

Initializing the bias splines with 1818 knots

Adding camera error terms (/logitech_camera/image_mono)
  Added 332 camera error terms

Adding accelerometer error terms (/MTi/imu/data)
  Added 3637 of 3706 accelerometer error terms (skipped 69 out-of-bounds measurements)

Adding gyroscope error terms (/MTi/imu/data)
  Added 3637 of 3706 gyroscope error terms (skipped 69 out-of-bounds measurements)

Before Optimization
Reprojection error squarred (cam0):  mean 87.0119793457, median 20.0493732631, std: 187.52177023
Gyro error squarred (imu0):          mean 0.0955577154315, median 0.00996923223342, std: 0.301478956037
Accelerometer error squarred (imu0): mean 11945.9977171, median 9706.04181133, std: 7834.11524383

Transformation T_cam0_imu0 (imu0 to cam0, T_ci): [m]
[[ 0.02033651 -0.95293512 -0.30249147  0.        ]
 [ 0.08176357  0.30312578 -0.9494364   0.        ]
 [ 0.99644425 -0.00542456  0.0840799   0.        ]
 [ 0.          0.          0.          1.        ]]

cam0 to imu0 time: [s] (t_imu = t_cam + shift)

No linear system solver set in the options. Defaulting to the sparse_cholesky solver
Using the sparse_cholesky linear system solver
Using the levenberg_marquardt trust region policy
No linear system solver set in the options. Defaulting to the sparse_cholesky solver
Using the sparse_cholesky linear system solver
Using the levenberg_marquardt trust region policy
Optimization problem initialized with 7291 design variables and 28005 error terms
The Jacobian matrix is 121460 x 32793
 [0.0]: J: 4.49354e+07
 [1]: J: 3.14689e+06, dJ: 4.17885e+07, deltaX: 0.36895, LM - lambda:100 mu:2
Exception in thread block: [aslam::Exception] /home/pkok/ros/repos/kalibr/src/aslam_nonparametric_estimation/aslam_splines/src/BSplineExpressions.cpp:447: toTransformationMatrixImplementation() assert(_bufferTmin <= _time.toScalar() < _bufferTmax) failed [1.40976e+09 <= 1.40976e+09 < 1.40976e+09]: Spline Coefficient Buffer Exceeded. Set larger buffer margins!
Exception in thread block: [aslam::Exception] /home/pkok/ros/repos/kalibr/src/aslam_nonparametric_estimation/aslam_splines/src/BSplineExpressions.cpp:447: toTransformationMatrixImplementation() assert(_bufferTmin <= _time.toScalar() < _bufferTmax) failed [1.40976e+09 <= 1.40976e+09 < 1.40976e+09]: Spline Coefficient Buffer Exceeded. Set larger buffer margins!
[ERROR] [1410360054.521921]: Optimization failed!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pkok/ros/repos/kalibr/src/aslam_offline_calibration/kalibr/python/kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera", line 206, in <module>
  File "/home/pkok/ros/repos/kalibr/src/aslam_offline_calibration/kalibr/python/kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera", line 182, in main
    iCal.optimize(maxIterations=parsed.max_iter, recoverCov=parsed.recover_cov)
  File "/home/pkok/ros/repos/kalibr/src/aslam_offline_calibration/kalibr/python/kalibr_imu_camera_calibration/", line 181, in optimize
    raise RuntimeError("Optimization failed!")
RuntimeError: Optimization failed!

I’ve set up my quadcore PC to run Kalibr and ROS as well, so that might speed things up a bit, maybe. (Laptop has a 2-core AMD processor)